There is a quilt meeting on the second Monday of every month. Normally, we make something in the meeting, but this meeting was a bit different.
One of the members had an idea to make a friendship quilt for the lady in the photo above. I heard she had chemo therapy when I first joined the group. We decided that each person would make two 12 inch blocks using pink and white material.
One of my blocks called " friendship star" is on the top left corner and the other one is called "ohio star"(which is one of my favorite patterns) on the bottom right corner.
This is a rural area and people here have quite a strong sense of religion. When we have a meeting, we always pray before dinner. Even a 13 year old girl can say grace at the meal. I am surprised that such young person has learnt to pray. Japanese people don't have such strong feelings about religion - young people especially have other interests than religion.
We made a name label with a quotation from the Bible which is her favorite verse.